sleeping beast

โง VIOLET ๐Ÿ’• SHE/HER ๐Ÿ’• 28 โ˜™

heya. my name is violet. i'm a 28 y/o lady just trying to find her way in the world. proudly autistic. drawing, storytelling, and video games are my greatest passions. i aspire to a career in which i get to play a part in all three!other notable interests of mine include tarot, astrology (cap sun + rising, pisces moon), ancient civilizations, history, languages, law, 90s/00s animanga, marine biology, mahjong, various mobage, & criminal forensics/psychology.fiercely PRO-AI ART!!! the joy of creation should not be gatekept by access to resources or the passage of time. it should not be something that has to be 'earned' or 'deserved'. and what the hell even is 'real' art, anyway?
this technology is not our enemy! direct your frustration to its source: the elite few who hoard & exploit AI for their personal benefit.
this tech belongs to the people. not alphabet, not microsoft, not tesla - how is it going to revolutionize the world if it can't reach every tom, diแป‡p, & janan across the globe?
social media stresses me out & invariably sucks up all of my time, so i try to avoid using it where i can. twitch & youtube are the exceptions, however. i like to put on a show ^^that's about it. keep it real \m/
